The Help You Need To Stop The Pain

Pain Management Consultation
Basic consultation to check-in the status of chronic pain, physical trauma or surgery, inefficient treatment program, pain getting in the way of regular daily activities, also physical pain with varying intensity and frequency.
Neuro-Psychological Pain Management
Post consultation provided with a coping mechanism to reach a higher quality of life. The work is done on the subconscious mind to deal with acute and chronic pain due to a change in cognitive function.

Ultrasound Guided Dry Needling
This technique has been proven to save cancer patients’ lives by precisely spotting the damage.
Medical Ultrasound
Used to create a 3D image of the musculoskeletal system, helping physiotherapists define the problem and diagnose using metrics for their action plan.
Dry Needling
Innovative technique that uses dry needles to treat pain in less time than conventional therapies. It treats triggered soreness and movement impairment.

Physical Examination and Treatment Plan
Based on blood pressure, testing of the craniovertebral ligaments, examination of the peripheral nerves, positional testing, and other examinations as needed.
We investigate and create a differentiated treatment plan to bring back enough strength and a joint range of motion, balance, coordination, walking, posture and functional capacity.

A combination of techniques based on healthy facts and wellness activities to restore physical daily functionality. We use therapeutic exercises, physical modalities, assistive devices and patient education platforms

Pelvic Floor
A technique treating the muscles that support the bladder and the sexual organs. We use it to restore the functionality and incontinence especially that the pelvic floor can be weakened by pregnancy, childbirth, prostate cancer treatment, obesity and the straining of chronic constipation.

A medical and surgical treatment of foot, ankle and lower extremity disorders. We partner with different physiotherapists and DPTs.

Emotional Liberation Breathing and Hypnosis
Technique to intervene on the motor image reconstruction in the patient and in sports, when connecting in the neurological disorders. This is strongly and scientifically possible to influence the motivation behind the therapeutic process.
- ELB is a breathing process that increases your ability to feel and resolve the effects of your past. It uses the principles of Rebirthing. The result is an increase in the level of physical energy in our body by cleansing the cumulative tension held there.
- Hypnotherapy is a type of complementary and alternative medicine in which the mind is used to help with a variety of problems such as breaking bad habits or coping with stress.

Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
This is a deep dive optimization for functionality and well-being, to help integrating you back into the lifestyle activities whether at home, work or leisure:
- Sports Injuries
- Lower Back Bain
- Cervical Pain
- Hip Pain
- Knee Pain
- Ankle Pain
- Shoulder Pain
- Wrist Pain
- Elbow Pain

Physical Therapy for Pre and Postpartum Back pain
Treated by following the same methodology of global clinics, we are here to support pregnant women alleviate pain before and after pregnancy.
Facts: around 45% and 75% of pregnant women are said to experience low back pain (LBP) at some point during their pregnancy. It is thought to occur due to hormonal, circulatory and mechanical changes and as a result, the quality of life of the pregnant woman is affected.
We invite you to consult us.

Chest Physiotherapy
As we recover from COVID-19, this technique supports general mobility and strengthening exercises specifically improving day-to-day functions. The good news is that more high technologies are unfolding and as we move forward we get to introduce you to new ones right at your door step.

Ergonomic Therapy and Desk Assessment
Do you suffer from long-hour seated positions? This is an informative technique that improves patient’s posture. The goal is to be less prone to work-related injuries.
What you need to know
What do I need to bring with me?
Make sure you bring your physical therapy referral (provided to you by your doctor) and your payment information. If you are covered by Workers’ Compensation, bring your claim number and your case manager’s contact information. If your insurance company requires the clinic and/or the therapist to fill out some information, bring along the insurance form.
Do I need a doctor's referral?
With direct access to physiotherapy, a doctor’s referral is not necessary to receive treatments. However, the physiotherapist may suggest that you consult a doctor for their opinion or to get further tests done. Note that some extended health benefit plan insurance companies still require a doctor’s referral for reimbursement of physiotherapy treatments. It is the responsibility of the patient to check their coverage. Both work related accidents and Motor Vehicle accidents do require a doctor’s referral.
How should I dress?
You should wear loose fitting clothing so you can expose the area that we will be evaluating and treating. For example, if you have a knee problem, it is best to wear shorts. For a shoulder problem, a tank top is a good choice, and for low back problems, wear a loose-fitting shirt and pants, again so we can perform a thorough examination.